פרופ' יהודה הלפר
פרופ' הלפר מתמקד בשרשת המסירה וההפצה של הפילוסופיה האפלטונית והאריסטוטלית מיוונית לערבית ולעברית בימי הביניים וברנסנס. תחומי המחקר העיקריים שלו הם המטאפיזיקה, הלוגיקה (במיוחד הדיאלקטיקה), ותוכניות הלימודים (curricula) של הפילוסופיה בכלל. פרופ' הלפר מנתל את הטקסטים ואת כתבי היד המרכזיים לתחומים אלה בהיבט הפילוסופי והפילולוגי במקביל. פרופ' הלפר עוסק בהוגים הידועים ביותר מימי הביניים והרנסנס, ובכללם אלפאראבי, יהודה הלוי (ריה"ל), משה בן מימון (רמב"ם), אבן רשד ולוי בן גרשם (רלב"ג). כמו כן, הוא עוסק בהוגים מוכרים פחות, כגון שמואל אבן תבון, יעקב אנאטולי, משה אבן תבון, יעקב "בן מכיר" אבן תבון, עמנאל הרומי, קלונימוס בן קלונימוס, טודרוס טודרוסי, אברהם ביבגו, אלי חביליו, יוחנן אלימנו ויהודה מוסקטו. לצורך מחקריו, פיתח פרופ' הלפר כלים טכנולוגיים לבניית מהדורות ביקרותיות דיגטליות ומודולריות: http://mahadurot.com.
קורות חיים
Associate Professor, March 2021 – Present
Department of Jewish Philosophy
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan, Israel
Senior Lecturer, October 2015 – February 2021
Department of Jewish Philosophy
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan, Israel
Professor of Practice, July 2014-June 2015
Director, Hebrew Program
Associate Director, Stacy Mandel Palagye and Keith Palagye Program in Middle East Peace
Department of Jewish Studies
Tulane University, New Orleans, USA
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Ph. D. in Philosophy, Division of Jewish Philosophy, June, 2010
Awarded “Highest Distinction”
Thesis: "Averroes on Metaphysical Terminology: an Analysis and Critical Edition of the Long Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics Delta"
Supervisor: Steven Harvey
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
M. A. in Philosophy (Hebrew Program), November 2006
Master’s Thesis: "Maimonides' Natural World: A Reading of The Guide of the Perplexed Part I, Ch. 72"
Supervisors: Aryeh Leo Motzkin (d. 2006) and Warren Ze'ev Harvey
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
A. B. in Classical Studies (language intensive variant) and Mathematics, June 2004
Honors in Classics, Honors in Math, and General Honors, Dean's List
Bachelor's Thesis: "Punishment in Plato's Gorgias"
Supervisor: James Redfield Second Reader: Danielle Allen
Clarke Central Public High School, Athens, Georgia, USA, 1997 - 2000
Schusterman Visiting Professor of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, July 2012 – June 2014
Department of Jewish Studies
Tulane University, New Orleans, USA
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Liberal Arts, July 2010 – June 2012
Department of Philosophy and the Interdisciplinary Program in Jewish Studies
Tulane University, New Orleans, USA
2022-2025 "Samuel Ibn Tibbon's Explanation of Foreign Terms and the Foundations of
Philosophy in Hebrew" Israel Science Foundation Prokect
Dr. Rebecca Kneller (Bar Ilan), Post-Doctoral Researcher on the Project
Katharina Hillmann (Bar Ilan), Doctoral Researcher on the Project
Prof. James T. Robinson (University of Chicago), Outside co-operation
2019-2022 "Hebrew Traditions of Aristotelian Dialectics" Israel Science Foundation Project
Dr. Gadi Weber (Bar Ilan), Post-Doctoral Researcher on the Project
Dr. Daniel Davies (Bar Ilan), Post-Doctoral Researcher on the Project
Arye Rainer (Bar Ilan), Doctoral Researcher on the Project
Prof. Charles Manekin (University of Maryland), Outside co-operation
2018-2019 “The Reception and Impact of Aristotelian Logic in Medieval Jewish Culture” Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew
University of Jerusalem
Organizers: Yehuda Halper and Prof. Charles Manekin (University of Maryland)
Core Participants: Josef Stern (University of Chicago), Tony Street (University of Cambridge), Nadja Germann (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), Gad Freudenthal (CNRS, Paris), Hannah Kasher (Bar Ilan)
- Goldstein-Goren Book Award, for Best Book in Jewish Thought between 2019-2021, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba, 2022.
- Visiting Fellowship, “Premodern History of Signification: Putting Experiences into Words, Images, and Signs,” Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany, Spring 2024-25.
- Visiting Fellowship, “The Logic of Experience in the Medieval Hebrew Philosophical Tradition,” Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany, Spring 2020.
- Alon Fellowship for Outstanding Young Researchers, Israel, 2016-2020
- Senior Fellowship, Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, July-August 2018, 2019
- Research Fellow, Institut für Jüdische Philosophie und Religion, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, August – September, 2015
- Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, Tulane University, New Orleans, 2014.
Award presented at Tulane - Rice Baseball Game, April 13, 2014. - Presidential Fellowship, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, 2006-2010
- Library Fellow, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Jerusalem, Israel, December 2007- July 2010
- Doctoral Scholar, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture,
October, 2008 - May, 2009 and October, 2009 – May, 2010 - Graduate Fellow, Shalem Center, Jerusalem, Israel, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007
- David L. Zemsky Scholarship (for tuition), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, June 2004 – June 2005
- Junior Fellowship, John M. Olin Center for Inquiry into the Theory and Practice of Democracy, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 2003-2004 and 2002-2003
- Undergraduate Research Award, Vertical Integration of Research and Education in the Mathematical Sciences Program, Department of Mathematics, University of Chicago, Summers 2001 and 2002
Yehuda Halper’s 2021 monograph, Jewish Socratic Questions in an Age without Plato, is an account of medieval Jewish approaches to the Socratic paradox of having a divine command for philosophical inquiry that also questions the divine. In Part I of the book, he examines depictions of Socrates as skeptical of divine things emerge among a large number of medieval Jewish authors and how these depictions gave rise to the Socratic paradox. In Part II of the book, he examines how five thinkers, Moses Maimonides, Jacob Anatoli, Immanuel of Rome, Levi Gersonides, and Abraham Bibago, treated the Socratic paradox, though without connecting it to Socrates himself. None of the thinkers treated in this book appear to have had direct access to Plato's writings in any language. Still, they apparently derived a clear picture of this Socratic paradox and of the potentially life threatening, though certainly community-uprooting consequences of pursuing philosophical questions.
Prof. Halper’s 2024 monograph, Averroes on Pathways to Divine Knowledge, examines what he considers a series of entryways toward knowledge of divine things, i.e., toward metaphysics. These pathways begin from the human intellect and its use of rational language and terminology, and extend from there toward what is beyond human knowledge, but desired by human beings, viz. knowledge of the divine. They adopt dialectical, empirical, literary, and political science methods for seeking out a way to grasping divine knowledge. In different places, Averroes takes different approaches toward the starting points of metaphysics; this is largely a testament to the difficulty of human acquisition of divine knowledge, and perhaps even the impossibility of doing so.
In his 47 academic articles and over 100 conferences and workshops, Prof. Halper has focused on (A) metaphysics, (B) logic, (C) dialectic, and (D) the scientific curriculum, (E) along with philological explorations of terminology among Jewish thinkers in Southern Europe (Spain, France, Italy, and the Byzantine lands).
A. Metaphysics. Halper’s articles on metaphysics began with analyses of Averroes' commentaries on Aristotle's Metaphysics and the notion of erotic love for the divine as it appears in Metaphysics Λ and Averroes' commentaries on it. He also explored the few Hebrew commentaries on Aristotle's Metaphysics: an anonymous 14th century gloss commentary (in a single MS on Patmos, Greece) and the late 15th century scholastic-influenced Iberian commentaries of Abraham Bibago and Eli Habilio. He also examined how Gersonides and Alemanno understand metaphysics and divine eros in their commentaries on Song of Songs. Recently, he has written on Bibago's attempt to structure a Jewish theology on Aristotelian metaphysics. He has also explored Averroes' Epistle on Divine Knowledge.
B. Logic. In 2018-19, while at the IIAS in Jerusalem, Halper authored a number of studies on Aristotelian logic, including Hebrew commentaries on Aristotle's De Interpretatione. More recently, he has also written on Zeno's paradoxes in the logical tradition, Maimonides' use of experience in constructing demonstrative premises, and Jacob Anatoli and Moses Ibn Tibbon's uses of logic in interpreting scripture. With a new ISF grant, he has written on Samuel Ibn Tibbon's approach to grounding the study of logic in his Explanation of Unusual Terms in the Guide of the Perplexed.
C. Halper’s work on dialectic treats it as subfield of Aristotelian logic. He has written and lectured on the Hebrew translations of Al-Farabi's Art of Dialectic and Averroes' Short and Middle Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica. He also prepared critical editions of these texts on Mahadurot.com. He has also conducted studies examining the study of these works among European Jews, and also practical dialectic, i.e., debate. Thus, e.g., he examined how Nahmanides does not seem to have understood any dialectical techniques when he participated in the debate of 1263, but later thinkers (such as Ṭodros, Gersonides, and Crescas) worked to ensure that Jews had access to materials treating practical dialectic techniques. Additionally, he examined uses of dialectic in literary debates in the works of Averroes, Falaquera, and Jacob Anatoli. He also wrote on Averroes' rejection of dialectic in political contexts in his Commentary on Plato's Republic and Decisive Treatise. Much of this has been in connection with the ISF grant, "Hebrew Traditions of Aristotelian Dialectic."
D. He has written a history of the Aristotelian curriculum and a history of the Hebrew commentaries on Aristotle's works.
E. Terminology. Working frequently with the PeShaT project at the University of Hamburg, he has written articles on Hebrew terminology, concerning how to translate the Arabic, 'aql ("intellect") into medieval Hebrew, the various meanings of the Hebrew term, da'at (which can also mean "intellect"), translation of the Arabic ma'ana (usually "meaning," but which came into 13th century Latin as intentio and was instrumental for the development of the study of intentionality), and the various translations in Arabic and Hebrew signifying first and second order knowledge, verification and confirmation, and truth and certainty.
In 2020, Halper developed a new software tool stack for preparing modular critical editions of medieval texts, as well as a novel method for building these editions online, which allow readers to easily make comparisons across manuscript versions and languages. This new technology simplifies the editorial process and expands the information conveyed by the critical edition while preserving its traditional form. Readers can view any manuscript version in any language alongside all other versions, with a relevant apparatus for each. These editions are published on http://mahadurot.com. Currently, 14 texts are available in this format and another 8 are currently in preparation. These texts are prepared with ISF grants, ERC starting grants (HEPMA-Site) and a private grant for Yemenite texts on Mahadurot Teman. A number of other grants are interested in using the technology and nearly every scholar in the field has expressed interest in contributing.
- Averroes on Pathways to Divine Knowledge (Boston: Academic Studies Press, forthcoming 2025)
- Jewish Socratic Questions in an Age Without Plato: Permitting and Forbidding Open-Inquiry in 12-15th century Europe and North Africa. Leiden: Brill, Maimonides Library of Philosophy and Religion 1, 2021
- Logica Graeco-Arabico-Hebraica, special issue of Studia Graeco-Arabica 11/2 (2021)
- The Pursuit of Happiness in Medieval Jewish and Islamic Thought. Ed. Yehuda Halper. Turnhout: Brepols Press, Philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions of the Middle Ages 1, 2021.
- Judah Moscato Sermons: Edition and Translation, Volume Three. Ed. G. Milletto and G. Veltri in conjunction with Yehuda Halper and G. Corazzol. Brill Press, 2012.
- Philosophy and the Jewish Tradition, by Aryeh Leo Motzkin (d. 2006), edited by Yehuda Halper. Brill Press, 2012.
- Judah Moscato Sermons: Edition and Translation, Volume Two. Ed. G. Milletto and G. Veltri in conjunction with Yehuda Halper and G. Corazzol. E. J. Brill Press, 2011.
ARTICLES (Journal Articles and Book Chapters)
- "Continuity, Limits, and Quantity in Al-Fārābī's Paraphrase of Aristotle's Categories," British Journal of the History of Philosophy (2024): 1-15 https://doi.org/10.1080/09608788.2024.2404449
- "Is there a Doctor in the House of Jacob? Jacob Anatoli and the Foundations of Philosophical Study in Hebrew," Jewish Quarterly Review (2025), ~24 pages.
- “All about that Res: From intentio to res in Mantino's Translation of Averroes' Middle Commentary on Aristotle's De Interpretatione 16a3-8," Materia Giudaica (2024): 67-78.
- "Literary Dialectic and its Discontents: Humor and Physics in Immanuel of Rome and Jedaiah Bedersi," Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medieval 35 (2024): 217-231.
- "Averroes' 'Epistle on Divine Knowledge' as a Dialectical Work: between Forbidden Interpretation and Philosophical Training," Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 34 (2024), 119-137.
- "Dichotomies of Understanding Religious Law in Leo Strauss' Lecture, 'Abraham And Maimonides.'" In Leo Strauss on Religion, ed. Rasoul Namazi and Svetozar Minkov (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2024), forthcoming.
- "Jacob Anatoli and Moses Ibn Tibbon: On the Uses and Misuses οf Logical Arguments in Interpreting Scripture," Revue des études juives 183 (2024): 29-46.
- "Truth in Translation: Examples of Certainty, Truth, Verification, and Confirmation in Hebrew Translations of Averroes." In Reimund Leicht, Michael Engel, Daniel Davies and Giuseppe Veltri (eds.), Officina Philosophica Hebraica II (Leiden: Brill, 2024, forthcoming).
- "Prophecy in the Image of Philosophy: The Case of Abraham Bibago." In Philosophie transformieren. Quellen für die Verwandlung des spätmittelalterlichen Wissens, ed. Karsten Engel and Ueli Zahnd (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).
- "Judaism: Signifying God According to Maimonides." In Signs and Signification in a Global Comparative Perspective: A Reader, edited by Glenn Most and Maria Avxentevskaya (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming), 20 pages.
- "Hebrew Disputations and Dialectics from Barcelona to the Midi and Back? from Nahmanides to Crescas." In Revisiting Medieval Dialectics, ed. Ana Maria Mora Marquez (Dordrecht: Springer, 2023), ~20 pages.
- "Standardization and Tibbonization: From the Pre-Tibbonide Hebrew Translation of Al-Fārābī's Dialectic to its Tibbonizing Commentary and Ṭodros Ṭodrosi's Tibbonide Partial Translation," Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism (forthcoming).
- "Are Zeno's Paradoxes of Motion Fallacies? Evidence from the Hebrew Aristotelian Logical Tradition," Ad Argumenta 4 (2024): 249-269.
- "Aristotelian Philosophical Programs in the Middle Ages," In Oxford Handbook of Jewish Philosophy, ed. Yitzhak Melamed and Paul Franks (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming).
- "Choking on Water, the Stratification of Society, and the Death of Socrates in the Hebrew Averroes." In Averroes and Averroism in Medieval Jewish Thought, ed. Yoav Meyrav, Racheli Haliva, and Dan Davies (Leiden: Brill, 2023), pp. 383-396.
- "Expelling Dialectics from the Ideal State: Making the World Safe for Philosophy in Averroes' Commentary on Plato's Republic." In Plato's Republic in the Islamic Context: New Perspectives on Averroes' Commentary, ed. Alexander Orwin (Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2022), pp. 69-86.
- "Dialectic and Metaphysical Skepticism in Jacob Anatoli," Theoria 88 (2022): 143-163.
- "Can the Results of Experience be the Premises of Demonstrations? 400 Years of Debate on a Single Line of Maimonides' Treatise on the Art of Logic", in Premodern Experience of the Natural World in Translation, ed. Katja Krause, Maria Auxent, and Dror Weil (London: Routledge, 2022), pp. 171-187.
- "Debate by the Book, about the Book, in a Book: Shem Tob Falaquera's Epistle of the Debate, Al-Fārābī’s Book of Dialectic, and Aristotle's Topics on Philosophy and the Holy Writ," Studia Graeco-Arabica 11.2 (2021): 93-106.
- "Happiness, Eros, and the Active Intellect: Understanding Erotic Desire in Averroes’ Long Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics Λ in light of the Middle Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics", in The Pursuit of Happiness in Medieval Jewish Thought, ed. Y. Halper (Turnhout: Brepols, 2021), 195-214.
- “Is Silence Praise to Thee? On the Remarkable Near-Absence of Hebrew Averroist Metaphysical Speculation about God in the 15th-16th Centuries” in Averroism between the 15th and 17th century, ed. Jozef Matula (Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz, 2020), 225-244.
- “The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Philosophers: The Ladder of Knowledge in Immanuel of Rome’s Hell and Heaven." In Philosophy for All? The Medieval Popularization of Philosophy in Medieval Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, Ed. Marieke Abram, Steven Harvey, and Lukas Muelthaler (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 351-362.
- "In One Sense Easy, in Another Difficult: Reverberations of the Opening of Aristotle's Metaphysics α ἔλαττον in Medieval and Renaissance Hebrew Literature," Revue des études juives 179.1-2 (2020): 133-160.
- “Abraham Bibago on the Logic of Divine Science: Metaphysics α and the Legend of the Pardes,” in The Origin and Nature of Language and Logic: Perspectives in Medieval Islamic, Jewish, and Christian Thought, ed. Nadja Germann and Steven Harvey (Turnhout: Brepols, 2020), 323-346.
- “King Solomon's Phaedran Madness in Johanan Alemanno's Hebrew Symposium,” Jewish Studies Quarterly 26 (2019): 309-337.
- "Are there Second Intentions in De Interpretatione 16a3-8? The Hebrew Aristotelian Commentary Tradition in the 13th-15th centuries," Studia Graeco-Arabica 9 (2019): 243-269.
- "Averroes’ Rewrite of Aristotle's Metaphysics Δ: Establishing The Plain Meaning of The Text in The Middle Commentary," Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales 86.2 (2019): 259-281.
- "God, Δαιμόνιον, and 'The Absent Philosopher': Constructing a Socratic Dialogue between Halevi and his Readers according to Leo Strauss’ 'The Law of Reason in the Kuzari,'" DAAT: A Journal of Jewish Philosophy & Kabbalah 88 (2019): 191-204.
- “The Only Extant, Complete, and Original Hebrew Commentary on the Entire Metaphysics of Aristotle: Eli Habilio and the Influence of Scotism,” Vivarium: A Journal for Medieval and Early-Modern Philosophy and Intellectual Life 57 (2019): 182-205.
- "'For the Earth shall be Filled with De‘ah': Terminological Ambiguities and the Connection between Knowledge and Actions in Maimonides' Commentary on the Mishnah and Mishneh Torah?" In Reimund Leicht and Giuseppe Veltri (eds.), Officina Philosophica Hebraica I: Studies in the Formation of Medieval Hebrew Philosophical Terminology (Leiden: Brill, 2019), 76-103.
- “Jewish Ritual as Trial in the Guide of the Perplexed.” In Interpreting Maimonides: Critical Essays, ed. Daniel Davies and Charles Manekin (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019), 114-132.
- “Philosophical Commentary and Supercommentary: The Hebrew Aristotelean Commentaries of the 14th through 16th Centuries.” In Medieval Jewish Philosophy and its Literary Forms, ed. Aaron Hughes and James Robinson (Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2019), 104-132.
- “Does Maimonides' Mishneh Torah Forbid Reading the Guide of the Perplexed? On Platonic Punishments for Free Thinkers” AJS Review 42.2 (2018): 351-379.
- “Socrates and Socratic Philosophy according to Judah Halevi’s Kuzari." Jewish Quarterly Review 107: 4 (2017): 447-475.
- “The Sex Life of a Metaphysical Sceptic: Platonic Themes in Gersonides’ Commentary on Song of Songs” – in Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Medieval Jewish Thought, ed. Racheli Haliva (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018), 146-166.
- 'בית אם מפולג לא יעמוד: הערה על דת ומדינה בתקופת הבית השני על פי ברוך שפינוזה' (“A House Divided cannot Stand: A Note on Religion and State in the Second Temple Period according to Benedict Spinoza”). In מנחה לחנה: עיונים לכבוד חנה כשר (“Tribute to Hannah: Studies in Honor of Hannah Kasher”), ed. Avraham Elqayam and Ariel Malachi (Tel Aviv: Idra Academic Press, 2018), 475-499.
- 'בין דעת הרמב"ם לדעת שמואל אבן תיבון: תרגומי המונח 'דעת' ויחסם לשאלות המרכזיות של משנה התורה ומורה נבוכים' (“Daᶜat HaRambam and Daᶜat Samuel Ibn Tibbon: On the Meanings of the Hebrew Term, Daᶜat, and Central Questions of the Mishneh Torah and the Guide of the Perplexed”), DAAT: A Journal of Jewish Philosophy & Kabbalah 83 (2017): 47-67.
- “Dialecticians and Dialectics in Averroes’ Long Commentary on Gamma 2 of Aristotle’s Metaphysics.” Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 26.1 (2016): 161-184.
- “Intellect, Platonic Imagery and the Limitations of Aristotelian Science in Judah Moscato’s Nefuṣot Yehudah.” In Studies in Jewish History and Culture, Judah Moscato Sermons, vol. iv. Leiden: Brill, 2015. pp. 327-346.
- “Abraham Bibago on Intellectual Conjunction and Human Happiness: Faith and Metaphysics according to a 15th Century Jewish Averroist.” Quaestio: Yearbook of the History of Metaphysics 15 (2015): 309-318.
- “Averroes on Intentionality and the Human Experience of the Natural World.” In Aristotle and the Arabic Tradition, edited by Ahmed Alwishah and Josh Hayes. Cambridge University Press, 2015. pp. 164-176.
- “Philosophical Allegory in Bibago: Exegetical Duplicity for the sake of Open Inquiry.” Jewish Studies Quarterly 21: 3 (2014): 261-276.
- “Bibago’s Introduction to his Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics.” Zutot: Perspectives on Jewish Culture 10 (2013): 1-15.
- “Revision and Standardization of Hebrew Philosophical Terminology in the Fourteenth Century: the Example of Averroes’ Long Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics Δ and the Development of Hebrew Scientific Terms.” Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism 13 (2013): 95-138.
- “Introduction: Jewish and Philosophical Works of Aryeh Leo Motzkin” and “The Intellectual Development of Aryeh Leo Motzkin.” Pp. xi-xxi. In Philosophy and the Jewish Tradition, by Aryeh Leo Motzkin (d. 2006), edited by Yehuda Halper. E. J. Brill Press, 2012.
- “Prayers to the God of Aristotle's Metaphysics: Tefillot Siyyum for Chapters of Book Δ of Aristotle’s Metaphysics.” Zutot: Perspectives on Jewish Culture 8 (2011): 15-29.
47. “The Convergence of Religious and Metaphysical Concepts: Mofet and Devequt in the Hebrew Translation of Averroes' Long Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics” Studia Neoaristotelica 8: 2 (December, 2011): 163-177.
- Review of Andalus and Sefarad: On Philosophy and Its History in Islamic Spain, by Sarah Stroumsa, Bulletin of SOAS 83/3 (2020), 518-520
- Review of Dāwūd ibn Marwān al-Muqammaṣ, Twenty Chapters, ed. and trans. Sarah Stroumsa. Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 67 (January, 2018), 70-77.
- Review of Reading Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah, by David Gillis. AJS Review 41:1 (2017): 18-20.
- Review of Maimonides & Spinoza: Their Conflicting Views of Human Nature, by Joshua Parens. Journal of the History of Philosophy 51: 2 (April, 2013), pp. 319-320.
- Review of Il Commento medio di Averroe alla Metafisica di Aristotele nella tradizione ebraica, by Mauro Zonta, Philosophy East and West 63: 1 (January, 2013), pp. 96-99.
- Anonymous, On the Causes of Contradictions in Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed, ed. Yehuda Halper, Mahadurot: Modular Hebrew Digitally Rendered Texts, URL= http://mahadurot.com/CausesContradiction/
- Judah Al-Ḥarizi, Explanation of Every Foreign Term in Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed, ed. Yehuda Halper and Katharina Hillmann, Mahadurot: Modular Hebrew Digitally Rendered Texts, URL=http://mahadurot.com/HariziGuideTerms
- Samuel Ibn Tibbon, Explanation of Some Terms in Maimonides' Treatise on Resurrection, ed. Yehuda Halper and Katharina Hillmann, Mahadurot: Modular Hebrew Digitally Rendered Texts, URL=http://mahadurot.com/IbnTibbon/EST
- Samuel Ibn Tibbon, Explanation of Unusual Terms in Moses Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed, ed. Rebecca Kneller-Rowe and Yehuda Halper, Mahadurot: Modular Hebrew Digitally Rendered Texts, URL=http://mahadurot.com/IbnTibbon/PMZ
- Anonymous, "A Prayer of Socrates," ed. Yehuda Halper, Mahadurot: Modular Hebrew Digitally Rendered Texts, URL= http://mahadurot.com/SocratesPrayer
- “Maimonides," Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, ed. Mortimer Sellers, Stephan Kirste, section ed. Gianfrancesco Zanetti, Springer, 2022.
- “Judah Messer Leon," Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, ed. Marco Sgarbi. Springer, 2018.
- “Abraham Bibago,” Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, ed. Marco Sgarbi. Springer, 2015.
- “Judah Moscato, Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, ed. Marco Sgarbi. Springer, 2015.
- “Introduction,” “Biography,” and “Bibliography” for the Great Thinkers’ Project on Moses Maimonides, Department of Government, Harvard University. http://thegreatthinkers.org/maimonides/
- “Introduction,” “Biography,” and “Bibliography” for the Great Thinkers’ Project on Averroes, Department of Government, Harvard University. http://thegreatthinkers.org/averroes/ (forthcoming).
- “Translating Being, Essence and Substance into Hebrew: Complexities and Ambiguities” Peshat website: http://peshat.dev.cmg.co.il/uploads/media_items/halper-being-essence-and-substance.original.pdf.
אמצעי התקשורת
- “Yehuda Halper on Where to Begin With Maimonides”, The Tikvah Podcast (https://tikvahfund.org/library/yehuda-halper-on-where-to-begin-with-maimonides/), Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3v7aufCk8NHQCqLe1YBMEv, iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tikvah-fund/id921756215 , Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-tikvah-fund/the-tikvah-podcast
- “Yehuda Halper on Maimonides and the Human Condition”, The Tikvah Podcast (https://tikvahfund.org/library/yehuda-halper-on-maimonides-and-the-human-condition/), Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3v7aufCk8NHQCqLe1YBMEv , iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tikvah-fund/id921756215 , Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-tikvah-fund/the-tikvah-podcast
- “Yehuda Halper on Guiding Readers to ‘The Guide of the Perplexed’”, The Tikvah Podcast (https://tikvahfund.org/library/yehuda-halper-on-guiding-readers-to-the-guide-of-the-perplexed/), Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3v7aufCk8NHQCqLe1YBMEv , iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tikvah-fund/id921756215 , Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-tikvah-fund/the-tikvah-podcast
- “Yehuda Halper on Maimonides the Physician”, The Tikvah Podcast (https://tikvahfund.org/library/yehuda-halper-on-maimonides-the-physician/), Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3v7aufCk8NHQCqLe1YBMEv , iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tikvah-fund/id921756215 , Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-tikvah-fund/the-tikvah-podcast
- Yehuda Halper, Jewish Socratic Questions in an Age without Plato, interview with Ari Barbalat, New Books Network (https://newbooksnetwork.com/jewish-socratic-questions-in-an-age-without-plato), Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1i7lw8DUgdC5cDoH2co6ya?si=VjXhf0EzSvWVygexPm76bw
Recorded Lectures in English
- "Ecce Homo: Charting Human and Divine, Substance and Property, in Contradictory Syllogisms in a Short, Anonymous Text in Three Manuscripts" (https://youtu.be/AdhvBdU1Qys?si=oi8Hace1YB5HuGRS ), Medieval Philosophy Unleashed (Potestas Essendi).
- “Why did Jews Study Logic in the 13th and 14th Centuries: On Empires and Universities and the Roots of Secular Education” (https://youtu.be/OBOHneDK1cc?si=eZ6pNdC61SdiZbeW&t=256 ), Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies, The University of Maryland.
- "The Two Socrateses of Medieval Jewish Doxography" (https://youtu.be/M6rQHNED-lg?si=vhjjVWOm7lMGBmAF ), International Society for Socratic Studies.
- “Studying Dialectic in Hebrew: Aristotle’s Topics from Thought to Practice?” (https://youtu.be/x596WDScHzQ?si=sv9oGpSL5lk6Y_2J ), Medieval Philosophy Unleashed (Potestas Essendi).
- Does Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah Forbid Reading the Guide of the Perplexed? (https://youtu.be/8rlVyN7XddM?si=bBwZ-IEOLYiTJn6T), Department of Jewish Philosophy, Bar Ilan University
- “Nature and the Study of Nature Among Aristotelians” (https://youtu.be/2bnD9pVbdks?si=TUiesIoxLvdqFr64 ), Medieval Philosophy Unleashed (Potestas Essendi).
- “Intellectual Eros and Happiness: Between Metaphysics and Ethics in Averroes” (https://youtu.be/afedGHM3cyY?si=Gon8B4f_q7djQS7T ), Department of Jewish Philosophy, Bar Ilan University
- Response to Parens Kries MacFarland "Prophet, King and Philosopher in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Thought" (https://youtu.be/B7--fJzX4NM?si=k-uBKTmGjkpWRalt ), Tulane Chair in Judeo-Christian Studies, Tulane University
הרצאות מוקלטות בעברית
- "בין סדר לימוד נבואי וסדר לימוד מדעי בספר מורה הנבוכים" (https://youtu.be/8ECVwSDI4Wo?si=JQXqsxJ_j4VPMBUH ), מרכז דהן (אוניברסיטת בר אילן) ועיריית אשדוד
- “Alphabetical Building Blocks of Studying Science : New Information Technologies from the 13th C. to Today" (https://youtu.be/jhrYmLgLt20?si=SqvUrzKFNarQsJ3R ), STS@BIU, התוכנית למדע, טכונולוגיה וחברה בבר אילן
- "מנעו בניכם מן ההיגיון - על החובה ללמוד לוגיקה מאת יעקב אנטולי" (https://youtu.be/c4D9MW6WR_4?si=oOnu0YiVkezh0e66), המחלקה לפילוסופיה יהודית, אוניברסיטת בר אילן.
- "מהויות הפילוסופיה על פי יהודה מוסקטו בביאורו לספר הכוזרי" (https://youtu.be/f2foeiRLR30?si=p1PgjV-SQc4i2rIG ), מחשבת ישראל, אונ' בן-גוריון.
- "סוקראטס והפילוסופיה הסוקראטית על פי ספר הכוזרי" (https://youtu.be/LdthFTcNZmE?si=TfougzUcSVo2F6SG ), המחלקה לפילוסופיה יהודית, אוניברסיטת בר אילן.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 10/12/2024