רשימת פרסומים פרופ' אפרים מאיר

ספרים (מחבר)

  1. My Heart is in Zion: Present, Past and Future of Zionism (Dutch), Hague: Omniboek, 1983.
  2. Star from Jacob. Life and Work of Franz Rosenzweig (Hebrew), Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1994.
  3. E. Lévinas, Éthique et Infini. Dialogues avec Philippe Nemo, transl. into Hebrew by E. Meir in cooperation with S. Re’em, introduced and annotated by E. Meir, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1995 (interview with Levinas on pp. 89-97).
  4. Modernes jüdisches Denken, Fuldatal: Atelea Verlag, 1996.
  5. Towards an Active Memory. Man, Society and God after Auschwitz (Dutch), Amsterdam: Amphora Books, 2003.
  6. Jewish Existential Philosophers in Dialogue (Hebrew), Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2004.
  7. The RosenzweigLehrhaus: Proposal for a Jewish House of Study in Kassel Inspired by Franz Rosenzweig’s Frankfurt Lehrhaus (Research and Position Papers, Rappaport Center), Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University, 2005.
  8. Letters of Love. Franz Rosenzweig’s Spiritual Biography and Oeuvre in Light of the Gritli Letters, New York: Peter Lang, 2006.
  9. Towards an Active Memory. Society, Man and God after Auschwitz (Hebrew), Tel-Aviv: Resling, 2006. (=revised and extended version of my book in Dutch).
  10. Jij zeggen met Martin Buber. Dialogische Opmerkingen bij Bubers 'Ik en jij', (Dutch), Amsterdam: Amphora Books, 2006.
  11. Levinas’s Jewish Thought Between Jerusalem and Athens, Jerusalem: Magnes, 2008.
  12. Joods denken en danken (Dutch), Amsterdam: Amphora Books, 2008.
  13. Identity Dialogically Constructed,Nordhausen: VerlagTraugottBautz, 2011.
  14. Differenz und Dialog, Muenster: Waxmann Verlag, 2011.
  15. Between Heschel and Buber. A Comparative Study, with Alexander Even- Chen, Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2012.
  16. Dialogical Thought and Identity. Trans-Different Religiosity in Present Day Societies, Berlin and Jerusalem: De Gruyter and Magnes, 2013.
  17. Jewish Dialogical Thought and Interreligious Theology, Berlin and Jerusalem: De Gruyter and Magnes, forthcoming.


עריכת ספרים

חביבה פדיה ואפרים מאיר (עורכים), יהדות: סוגיות, קטעים, פנים, זהויות. ספר רבקה, אוניברסיטת בן גוריון, באר שבע, תשס"ז, 819 עמ'.


מאמרים ופרקים בספרים

  1.  “Colloquium BiblicumLovaniense 1973”,in Louvain Studies 5,2 (1974), 192-194
  2. "The Science of Literature Method of Prof. M. Weiss in Confrontation with Form Criticism, exemplified on the Basis of Ps. 49", in Bijdragen-Tijdschriftvoorfilosofieentheologie  41,2 (1979), 152-167.
  3. "KBD comme nom divin en éblaïte, ougaritique et hébreu", in Revue Théologique de Louvain  11,2 (1980), 225-228.
  4. "La Sagesse psalmique et le Psaume 94", in Bijdragen-Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 42,1 (1981), 22-45.   
  5. "La dimension sapientiale du Psaume 62", in Bijdragen-Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 42,4 (1981), 350-365.
  6. "Does Antizionism Equal  Antisemitism ?" (Dutch), in Kosmos en oekumene 16,6 (1982), 187-199.
  7. "The Role of Antisemitism in the Pre-War Rexist Movement", in Bulletin trimestriel de la Fondation Auschwitz no. 16, décembre 1987-février 1988, 16-32.   
  8. “The Idea of Revelation in Levinas” ( Hebrew), in Daat. A Journal of Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah 30 (1993), 41-52.
  9. “The Place of the Land of Israel and the State of Israel in the Writings of E. Levinas” (Hebrew), in Metaphora. Philosophical Journal 3 (1993), 41-61.
  10.  ”Ian T. Ramsey's Theory on Religious Language: Disclosure and Moral        Behaviour," in A. Sagi and D. Statman (eds.), Between Religion and Ethics,         Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan, 1993, 7-22.
  11.  ”The Dimension of the Feminine in Levinas’ Philosophy”, in Iyyun-The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 43 (1994), 145-152.
  12.  ”La presenzabiblicanellaculturaebraicacontemporanea: M. Buber- F. Rosenzweig-E. Levinas”, in S.J. Sierra (ed.), La letturaebraica delle Scritture, Bologna: Dehoniane,1995, 465-495.   
  13. “Criticism of the ‘Myth’ of UnioMystica in E. Levinas”(Hebrew), in H. Pedayah (ed.), Myth in Judaism (Eshel Beer-Sheva, 4), Beersheba: Ben-Gurion University, 1996, 393-405.
  14. ”The Contributions of Modern Thought to a Psychoanalytic Phenomenology of Groups”, in Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought 19,4 (1996), 563-578.
  15. ”Levinas’s Thinking on Religion as beyond the Pathetic: Reflections on the First Part of Difficult Freedom", inE.L. Fackenheim-R. Jospe (eds.), Jewish Philosophy and the Academy, London: Associated University Presses, 1996, 142-164.  
  16. ”Philosophical Reflections on Moral Sense Perversity as a Denial of the Reality Principle”, in J.J. Rozenberg (ed.), Sense and Nonsense. Philosophical, Clinical and Ethical Perspectives, Jerusalem 1996, 27-42.   
  17.  “War and Peace in the Philosophy of E. Levinas”, in Iyyun-the Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 45 (1997), 471-479.
  18. “Teaching Mendelssohn's Concept of Jewish Singularity: Implications for an Israeli Student”, in R. Jospe (ed.), Paradigms in Jewish Philosophy, London:  Associated University Presses, 1997, 147-165.    
  19. ”Teaching Levinas on Revelation", in R. Jospe (ed.), Paradigms in Jewish Philosophy,  London: Associated University Presses, 1997, 257-279 (= a slightly different version of entry nr. 8).        
  20. “The Talmudic Hermeneutics of E. Levinas” (Hebrew), in Revista Universidad Hebraica 1,2 (1997), 101-110. 
  21. ”Die Idee der Teschuwa im Denken André Nehers", in C. Miething (ed.), Judentum und Moderne in Frankreich und Italien (Romania Judaica 2), Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1998, 129-143.
  22. “Jewish Dialogical Philosophy and its Implications for Education” (Hebrew), in  Hagut - Jewish Educational Thought.1 , Jerusalem 1998, 127-141.   
  23. “The Challenge of Religious Education in the Secular State of Israel", in C. Miething (ed.),  Politik und Religion imJudentum (Romania Judaica 4), Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1999, 173-186.
  24. "Les écrits professionnels et confessionnels d'Emmanuel Lévinas ", in D. Cohen-Lévinas and S. Trigano (eds.), Emmanuel Lévinas - Philosophie et judaïsme (Pardès 26 ), Paris: In press, 1999, 101-114.
  25.  “La philosophie de Lévinas, sacrificielle et naïve? S'agit-il d'un drame? A propos d'un ouvrage récent de Daniel Sibony", in Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses 81,1 (2001), 63-79.
  26. “The Polemic-Ideological Reading and Its Alternative” (Hebrew),  in Hagut- Jewish Educational Thought. 2, Jerusalem 2000, 19-34.
  27.  “Moses Mendelssohn's Jerusalem from Levinas' Perspective", in M. New-R. Bernasconi- R.A. Cohen (eds.), In Proximity – Emmanuel Levinas and the Eighteenth Century, Lubbock Texas: Texas Tech University Press, 2001, 243-259.
  28. “David Hartman on the Attitudes of Soloveitchik and Heschel towards Christianity", in J.W. Malino (ed.), Judaism and Modernity: The Religious Philosophy of David Hartman, Jerusalem: Shalom Hartman Institute, 2001, 253-265.
  29.  “Verità e giustizianellafilosofia di Emmanuel Lévinas in relazioneall’io-tu e all’io-esso di Martin Buber”, in P.Amodio-G.Giannini-G.Lissa (eds.), Lévinas e la cultura del XX secolo (CulturaFilosofica e ScienzeUmane 3), Napoli: Giannini, 2001, 209-235. 
  30. ”Goethe’s Place in Rosenzweig’sStar of Redemption”(Hebrew), in Daat-A Journal of Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah 48 (2002), 97-107.
  31. ”The Unpublished Correspondence Between Franz Rosenzweig and GritliRosenstock-Huessy  On The Star of Redemption “, in Jewish Studies Quarterly 9 (2002), 21-70.
  32. ”Buber’s Dialogical Interpretation of the Binding of Isaac- between Kierkegaard and Hasidism”(Hebrew),  in M. Hallamish- H. Kasher- Y. Silman (eds.), The Faith of Abraham. In the Light of Interpretation throughout the Ages, Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan, 2002, 281-293.
  33.  “Love and Truth in the Jewish Consciousness according to Abraham Joshua Heschel” (Hebrew), inHagut-Jewish Educational Thought. 3-4, Jerusalem 2002, 141-150.
  34. “Ethics, Politics and God in the Writings of E. Levinas”(Hebrew), in Democratic Culture, vol. 6 (2002), 111-133.
  35. “Les écrits professionnels et confessionnels d’Emmanuel Lévinas”, in D.Cohen-Lévinas and S. Trigano (eds.), Emmanuel Lévinas. Philosophie et judaïsme (Lettres promises), Paris: In press, 2002, pp.127-143 (= item nr.24).
  36.  “Truth and Ethics in Levinas’s Philosophy Compared to Buber’s I-Thou and I-It”(Hebrew),  in Daat-A Journal of Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah 50-52 (2003), 423-439 (=item nr.29).
  37. “The Shoa as a Crime against Humanity: Reflections on Civilization and its  Annihilation", in J.J. Rozenberg (ed.), Bioethical and Ethical Issues Surrounding the Trials and Code of Nuremberg. Nuremberg Revisited (Symposium Series 74), Lewiston NY: Edwin Mellen, 2003, 167-186.
  38.  “’Transition’, ‘Threshold’ and ‘Gate’ in Star of Redemption”, in M.Brasser (ed.), RosenzweigalsLeser. Kontextuelle Kommentare zum “Stern der Erlösung”,  Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2004, 509-519.
  39. “The Shoa as the Forgetting of the Law. From Lyotard till Bursztein”(Hebrew), in Jean-Gérard Bursztein, Psychoanalysis of Nazism. Essay on the Destruction of Civilization (Hebrew), Tel Aviv: Resling, 2004, 9-20.
  40. “La notion de la révélation dans la ‘théologie des profondeurs’ de Heschel et la métaphysique éthique de Lévinas”, Gérard Rabinovitch (ed.), Abraham J. Heschel . Un tsaddiq dans la cité (Collection Voix), Paris: Nadir , 2004, 155-186.
  41.  “Buber’s and Levinas’s Attitudes toward Judaism”,  Peter Atterton, Matthew Calarco and Maurice Friedman (eds.), Levinas and Buber. Dialogue and Difference, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania: Duquesne  University Press, 2004, 133-156. =  “La actitud de Buber y Levinashacía el Judaísmo” in id., Levinas y  Buber : Diálogo y diferencias (ColecciónEstudios y Reflexiones), EdicionesLilmod. 
  42. “The Relevance of the Gritli-Letters to the Clarification of Key Concepts and Central Ideas in Rosenzweig’sStar of Redemption”, Luc Anckaert , Martin Brasser and Norbert Samuelson (eds.), The Legacy of Franz Rosenzweig . Collected Essays (Louvain Philosophical Studies 18), Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2004, 3-32.
  43. “Our Jewish Identity according to André Neher” (Hebrew), Yehoyada Amir (ed.), André Neher and Jewish Thought in Post-Holocaust France, Jerusalem: Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and HakibbutzHameuchad, 2005,  99-113.
  44.  “Religion and State in the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas” (Hebrew), AviezerRavitzky (ed.), Religion and State in Twentieth-Century Jewish Thought, Jerusalem: the Israel Democracy Institute, 2005, 409-424. 
  45.  “Guilt and Responsibility as Characteristics of the Answerable Man in the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas" (Hebrew), Yehoyada Amir (ed.), The Path of the Spirit. The Eliezer Schweid Jubilee Volume. Volume Two,  Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2005, 851-865.
  46. “Les anthropomorphismes dans la Bible et dans la tradition juive: des images de Dieu?”, Revue des sciences sociales 34 (2005), 170-175.
  47.  “Emmanuel Levinas’s Thoughts on States and the State of Israel“ (Hebrew), Iyunimbitkumat Israel. Studies in Zionism, the Yishuv and the State of Israel, 15 (2005), 39-52.  
  48. “The Utopia of Peace and the Topic of Politics in E. Levinas’ Œuvre” (Hebrew), in Michael F. Mach and Yoram Jacobson (eds.), Historiosophy and The Science of Judaism (Te‘uda. The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies Research Series), Tel Aviv: Tel-Aviv University, 2005, 215-229.
  49. “Characteristics of Franz Rosenzweig’s Gritli-Letters”,  Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik (ed.), Franz Rosenzweigs “neues Denken”. Internationaler Kongress Kassel 2004. Band II. Erfahrene Offenbarung – in theologos, Freiburg/München: Karl Alber, 2006, 1181-1194.
  50. “Reinterpreting Judaism in the German Context: On German-Jewish Thinkers as Jews and Germans“, Ben Mollov (ed.), The Legacy of the German-Jewish Religious and Cultural Heritage: A Basis for German-Israeli Dialogue? Proceedings of an International Conference Held at Bar-Ilan University June 1, 2005, Jerusalem: Yuval Press 2006, 25-35.
  51. “Reading Buber’s ‘I and You’ as a Guide to Conflict Management and Social Transformation”,  Ben Mollov (ed.), The Legacy of the German-Jewish Religious and Cultural Heritage: A Basis for German-Israeli Dialogue? Proceedings of an International Conference Held at Bar-Ilan University June 1, 2005, Jerusalem: Yuval Press 2006, 119-131.
  52. “Lebendiges Judentum. Levinas und der Historismus der ‘Wissenschaft des Judentums’ des 19. Jahrhunderts”,  Frank Miething and Christoph von Wolzogen (eds.), Après vous. Denkbuch für Emmanuel Levinas 1906-1995, Frankfurt a.M.: Neue Kritik, 2006, 139-175.
  53. “Emmanuel Levinas on Theodicy and Evil“, HavivaPedaya and Ephraim Meir (eds.), Judaism, Topics, Fragments, Faces, Identities. Jubilee Volume in Honor of Rivka, Beer-Sheva: Ben-Gurion University, 2007, 31-51.
  54. “Franz Rosenzweig’s Inexpressible Joy” (together with Raphael Jospe), HavivaPedaya and Ephraim Meir (eds.), Judaism, Topics, Fragments, Faces, Identities. Jubilee Volume in Honor of Rivka, Beersheba: Ben-Gurion University, 2007, 53-68.
  55. “Eroticism in Emmanuel Levinas’s Oeuvre. Towards a Philosophy of the Caress”(Hebrew),  Benjamin Ish-Shalom (ed.), BeDarkhei Shalom. Studies in Jewish Thought Presented to Shalom Rosenberg, Jerusalem: Beit Morasha, 2007, 499-512.
  56. “How to Think Death from Time and not Time from Death”(Hebrew), in E. Levinas, Death and Time (Hebrew), Tel Aviv: Resling, 2007, 7-13.
  57. “Innerjüdische Debatten über den Dialog. Hintergründe des Dokuments Dabru emet“, in  Siegfried von Kortzfleisch, Wolfgang Grünberg, Tim Schramm (eds.),Wende-Zeit im Verhältnis von Juden und Christen, Berlin:EBVerlag 2009,  283-300.
  58.  “Die Stellung Goethes in Franz Rosenzweigs ‚Stern der Erloesung’", in Friedrich Brandi-Hinnrichs, Wolfgang Gruenberg, Annegret Reitz-Dinse (eds.), Verstecke Gottes zwischen Kultur und Religion (Kirche in der Stadt 14), Berlin:EBVerlag, 2010, 72-90 = nr. 30.
  59.  "Fischer's Essay 'Love and Wisdom' in Light of Jewish Dialogical Thought", in Die Bildung von Gewissen und Verantwortung – Zur Philosophie und Paedagogik Franz Fischers (Franz Fischer Jahrbuecher), 2010, Norderstedt and Leipzig: Anne Fischer Verlag and Leipziger Universitaetsverlag, 226-245.
  60. "Introduction" to Aviezer Cohen (ed.),  Franz Rosenzweig: The Star and The Man.  Collected Studies by RivkaHorwitz, Beersheva: Ben GurionUniversity, 2010, 13-16.
  61. "Le 'trèsbien' et la finitude de l'existenceselon Rabbi Méir, la Kabbale et Rosenzweig", in M. Tapiero (ed.), Fondements de l'Hunmanité, Paris: Cerf, 2010,  215-230.
  62. "Janusz Korczak's Care for the Little Ones in Light of Jewish Tradition," in Monika Kaminska, Dialogische Paedagogik und die Beziehung zum Anderen. Martin Buber und Janusz Korczak im Lichte der Philosophie von Emmanuel Levinas (Juedische Bildungsgeschichte in Deutschland 7), Muenster: Waxmann, 2010, 9-16.
  63. "Judaism and Philosophy: Each Other's Other in Levinas", Modern Judaism (2010), 1-15.
  64. "The Non-Identical Self, Autonomy and Heteronomy: A Response to Hannah Hashkes," in The Journal of Textual Reasoning 7,1(2012), 1-8.
  65. "Sigmund Freud’s Moses and His Reappearance: the Forgotten and the Unforgettable," in Da'at. A Journal of Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah 73 (2012), v-xxviii.
  66. "Introduction. Eva Jospe and Martin Buber: An Encounter," in Raphael Jospe and Dov Schwartz (eds.), Encounters in Modern Jewish Thought: The Works of Eva Jospe. Volume One: Martin Buber, Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2013, xxv-xxxiii.
  67. “Building Stones for an Interreligious Dialogue and Theology,” in Wolfram Weisse, KatajunAmirpur, Anna Körs, DörtheVieregge (eds.), Religions and Dialogue. International Approaches (Religions in Dialogue 7), Münster : Waxmann 2014, 125-135.
  68. “The Buber-Rosenzweig Bible Translation as Jewish Exegesis,” in Daniel Krochmalnik and Hans-Joachim Werner (eds.), 50 Jahre Martin Buber Bibel. Beitraege des Internationalen Symposiums der Hochule fuer juedische Studien Heidelberg und der Martin Buber-Gesellschaft (Altes Testament und Moderne 25), Berlin: LIT, 2014, 87-120.
  69. “The Meaning of the Abrahamic Adventure in Levinas’s Thought,” in Yael Lin (ed.), Levinas Faces Biblical Figures, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2014, 19-34.
  70. “Otherness and a Vital Jewish Religious Identity,” inHavaTirosh-Samuelson and Aaron W. Hughes (eds.),Jewish Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century. Personal Reflections(Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, vol. 23), Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2014, 229-247.
  71. “Rosenzweig’s New Law,” in Gebot, Gesetz, Gebet. Love, Law, Life (Rosenzweig yearbook 8/9), Freiburg: Alber, 2014, 178-192.
  72. “Judaïsme et philosophiedans les Carnets de captivitéd’EmmanuelLevinas,” in Danielle Cohen-Levinas (ed.),La penséejuive. Séminaire (Collège des Bernardins), Paris: Parole et Silence, 2014, 131-150.
  73. “Some Reflections on the Commandment ‘You Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord Your God In Vain’ (Ex. 20:7),” in Inci Dirim, Ingrid Gogolin, Dagmar Knorr, Marianne Krueger-Potratz, Drorit Lengyel, Hans H. Reich, Wolfram Weisse (eds.), Impulse fuer die Migrationsgesellschaft. Bildung, Politik und Religion (Bildung in Umbruchsgesellschaften 12), Muenster:Waxmann, 2015,  137-144

מאמרים באנציקלופדיה יודאיקיה (מהדורה מעודכנת)

1.        Buber, Martin, vol. 4, pp. 232-236

2.       Derrida, Jacques, vol. 5, pp. 598-600.

3.       Existentialism, vol. 6, pp. 611-612 (Maurice Friedman/Ephraim Meir).

4.       Heschel, Abraham Joshua, vol. 9, pp. 70-72 (Fritz A. Rothschild/Ephraim Meir)

5.       Leibowitz, Yeshayahu, vol. 12, pp. 622-624 (Asa Kasher and Rohan Saxena/ Ephraim Meir)

6.       Levinas, Emmanuel, vol.12, pp. 715-717.

7.       Lyotard, Jean-François, vol. 13, pp. 298-299.

8.       Rosenzweig, Franz, vol. 17, pp. 458-462 (Ephraim Meir and Rivka G. Horwitz)

9.      Wittgenstein, Ludwig, vol. 21, pp. 126-127.


בקורת ספרים בכתבי עת

  1. “Keel,O./M.Kűchler/C.Uehlinger, Orte und Landschaften der Bibel, Ein Handbuch und Studien-Reisefűhrer zum, Heiligen Land, Band 1: Geographisch-geschichtliche Landeskunde; Band 2: Der Sűden, Mit Beiträgen von U. Staub, Zűrich, Göttingen 1984, 751 pp., 1982, 997 pp.; 1985, 751+ 998 pp.”(Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 47, 4 (1986), 436-437.
  2. “Novak, D., Halakha in a Theological Dimension (Brown Judaic Studies, Nr. 69), Chico 1985, 174 pp.”(Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 47,4 (1986), 444-445.
  3. L’Univers de la Bible, Tome X, Dictionnaire de la Bible et des 3 religions du Livre, Turnhout 1985, 454 pp.” (Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 49,2 (1988), 207.
  4. “Rogerson, J. , Nouvel Atlas de la Bible, traduit par Simon et Gisèle Trope, Turnhout 1985, 237 pp.” (Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 49,2(1988), 207-208.
  5. “Avigad, Nahman, Hebrew Bullae from the Time of Jeremiah, Remnants of a Burnt Archive, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 1986, 139 pp.” (Dutch), Bijdragen,. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 49, 4 (1988), 443.
  6. “Pummer, R., The Samaritans (Iconography of Religions XXIII; Judaism, 5), Leiden 1987, 46 pp. +48 illustr.” (Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 50,2(1989), 213-214.
  7. “Sagarin, James L., Hebrew Noun Patterns (Mishqalim), Morphology, Semantics, and Lexicon, (Scholars Press handbook series), Scholars Press 1987, 150 pp.”(Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 50 (1989), 337.
  8. “Wilson, G.H., The Editing of the Hebrew Psalter (Society of Biblical Literature, Dissertation Series, Nr. 76), Chico, 1985, 278 pp.” (Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 50, 2(1989), 210.
  9. “Gutmann, J., The Jewish Life (Iconography of Religions, XXIII: Judaism,4), Leiden 1987, 36 pp.+48 illustr.” (Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 50, 2 (1989), 214.
  10. “Shear-Yashuv, A., The Theology of Salomon Ludwig Steinheim (Studies in Judaism in Modern Times 7), Leiden 1986, 116 pp.” (Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 50,4 (1989), 446.
  11. “Gese, Hartmut, Zur biblischen Theologie. Alttestamentlichte Vorträge, Tübingen, 1983, 239 pp.” (Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 47,3 (1992), 325-326.
  12. “Neusner, Jacob, Das pharisäische und talmudische Judentum, Neue Wege zu seinem Verständnis. Mit einem Vorwort von Martin Hengel, hrsgg. von Hermann Lichtenberger, (Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentum 4), Tübingen 1984, 219 pp.” (Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 47,3 (1992), 327-328.
  13. “Mazar, Benjamin, The Early Biblical Period, Historical Studies, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 1986, 266 pp.” (Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 53,4 (1992), 431.
  14. “Hand, Seán (ed.), The Levinas Reader. Emmanuel Levinas, Oxford/Cambridge, 1989, 312 pp.” (Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 53,4 (1992), 432.
  15. “Bernasconi, R. and Wood D. (eds.), The Provocation of Levinas. Rethinking the Other (Warwick Studies in Philosophy and  Literature), London/New York, 1988, 194 pp.” (Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 53,4 (1992), 432.
  16. “Breuer, Mordechai, Jűdische Orthodoxie im Deutschen Reich 1871-1918, Sozialgeschichte einer religiösen Minderheit (Eine Veröffentlichung des Leo Baeck Instituts), Frankfurt a.M 1986, 525 pp.” (Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 53,4 (1992), 431-432.
  17. “Ouaknin, M.-A., Méditations érotiques, Essai sur Emmanuel Lévinas (Collection Métaphora), Paris 1992, 185 pp.” (Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 55, 1 (1994), 110.
  18. “Ouaknin, M-A., Concerto pour quatre consonnes sans voyelles. Au-delà du principe d’identité, Paris 1991, 371 pp.” (Dutch), Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 55, 1(1994), 110-111.
  19. ”Prophetic Mission in the 20th Century” (Hebrew), Da’at 44 (1999), 131-134 [Review of E. Schweid, Prophets for their People and Humanity. Prophecy and Prophets in 20th Century Jewish Thought, Jerusalem: Magnes, 1999, 264 pp.].
  20. E. K. Kaplan, Holiness in Words: Abraham Joshua Heschel's Poetics of Piety, Albany: SUNY Press, 1996, 213 pp. / E. K. Kaplan and S. H. Dresner, Abraham Joshua Heschel: Prophetic Witness, New Haven and London: Yale University 1998, 402 pp., Kabbalah. Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Texts 5 (2000), 447-450 (Hebrew).
  21. T. Wrigth, The Twilight of Jewish Philosophy: Emmanuel Levinas’ Ethical Hermeneutic, Amsterdam, 1999, 180 pp., Da’at46(2001), 135-138 (Hebrew).
  22. “The first Hebrew Monograph on Abraham Joshua Heschel" (Hebrew),  Kabbalah. Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Texts 7(2002), 327-330 [Review of A. Even-Chen, A Voice from the Darkness. Abraham Joshua Heschel - Phenomenology and Mysticism, Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 1999, 253 pp.].
  23. H. Gordon, The Heidegger-Buber Controversy. The Status of the I-Thou (Contributions in Philosophy 81), Westport (Connecticut) and London 2001, 170 pp., Revue des étudesjuives 161,1-2 (2002), 280-283.
  24. J. Mattern, G. Motzkin, S. Sandbank (eds), Jüdisches Denken in einer Welt ohne Gott. Festschriftfür Stéphane Mosès, Berlin 2001, 270 pp., Revue des études juives 161, 1-2 (2002), 283-289.
  25. W. Schmied-Kowarzik, Rosenzweig im Gespräch mit Ehrenberg, Cohen und Buber (Rosenzweigiana 1), Munich: Karl Alber, 2006, 253 pp., Modern Judaism 27,2 (2007), 246-251.
  26. "On a New Age in Democracy as Part of the Holocaust Memory", Review of Shmuel Trigano, The Democratic Ideal and the Shoah, tr. Gila Walker (Albany: Suny Press, 2009) pp. 329, in SPME, September 14, 2010.
  27. A. Goshen-Gottstein and EugeneKorn (eds.), Jewish Theology and World Religions, Modern Judaism 33,2 (2013), 226-231.
  28. Paul F.Knitter, Without Buddha I Could Not Be a Christian, The Journal of Religion 93,3 (2013), 396-397.
  29. Hanoch Ben-Pazi, Interpretation as an Ethical Act. Levinas’ Hermeneutics, Da’at 76 (2014),275-278.


  1. E. Lévinas, "Nom d'un chien ou le droit naturel”, id., Difficile liberté. Essais sur le judaïsme (Collection Présences du judaïsme), Paris 1963; biblio essais, 4019 Paris 1988, pp. 213-216. Hebrew translation in cooperation with HananElstein, Da’at 38 (1997), 127-129.
  2. E. Lévinas, “Éducation et prière”, id., Difficile liberté. Essais sur le judaïsme (Collection Présences du judaïsme), Paris 1963; biblio essais, 4019 Paris 1988, pp. 374-379. Hebrew translation, introduced and annotated by E.Meir, in Hagut- Jewish Educational Thought. 2, Jerusalem 2000, 11-17.
  3. E. Lévinas, “Une religion d’adultes”, id., Difficile liberté. Essais sur le judaïsme (Collection Présences du judaïsme), Paris 1963; biblio essais, 4019 Paris 1988, pp. 24-42. Hebrew translation by E. Meir, K. Patrick and M. Meir, annotated by E.Meir, Iyunimbitkumat Israel. Studies in Zionism, the Yishuv and the State of Israel, 15 (2005), 25-37.    
  4. E. Lévinas,  “Antihumanisme et éducation”,  id., Difficile liberté. Essais sur le judaïsme (Collection Présences du judaïsme), Paris 1963; biblio essais, 4019 Paris 1988, pp. 385-401.  Hebrew translation by E. Meir, K. Patrick and M. Meir, annotated by E. Meir, in Joseph David (ed.), Questioning Dignity. On Human Dignity as Supreme Moral Value in the Modern Society,  Jerusalem The Israel Democracy Institute and Magnes Press, 2006, 245-260.  

פרסומים שאינם שפיטים

1.       “Das Denken ‘À Dieu’- Das Denken ‘zu Gott hin’. Woran ich beim Aussprechen des Wortes ‘Gott’ denke”, in J. Ebach, H.-M. Gutmann, M.L. Frettlöh and M. Weinrich (eds.), Gretchenfrage. Von Gott reden- aber wie? Band II, Gütersloh 2002, pp. 125-134

2.       “Gerechtigkeit, nicht Rache als Aufarbeitung der Geschichte”,  in Friede mit friedlichen Mitteln. Neue Herausforderungen fűr die Religionen, Herausgeber: Kontakstelle fűr Weltreligionen. Weltkonferenz der Religionen fűr den Frieden,  Innsbruck-Wien 2002, pp.134- 141.

3.       “Love and Justice in Jewish Collective Memory”, Jerusalem Summit Publication Tel-Aviv 2004, pp.3-13. (= a slightly different version of the preceding item)

4.       “Lernen und Lehren in der ständing sich wandelnden Welt der Kommunikation. Gedanken und Fragen zur Wissensgesellschaft”, in Im Gespräch. Hefte der Martin-Buber Gesellschaft 7 (2003), pp. 61-68.

5.       The Rosenzweig Lehrhaus: Proposal for a Jewish House of Study in Kassel Inspired by Franz Rosenzweig’s Frankfurt Lehrhaus (Research and Position Papers, Rappaport Center), Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University, 2005, 77 pp.

6.      מעשה זיכרון: חברה, אדם ואלוהים אחרי אושוויץ, הוצאת רסלינג, תל אביב תשס"ו, 174 עמ'.

7.       Jij zeggen met Martin Buber. Dialogische Opmerkingen bij Bubers 'Ik en jij', (Dutch), Amsterdam: Amphora Books, 2006. 176 pp.

8.       “Hellenic and Jewish in Levinas’s Writings”, Veritas. Revista de filosofia 51,2 (2006), pp.79-88.

9.      "עורר לרגישות", מקור ראשון, 12.1.2007, עמ' 7 (על א"י השל, מאה שנה להולדתו)

10.   "לעבר דתיות עמוקה", מקור ראשון, 12.1.2007, עמ' 8-9 (על א"י השל, מאה שנה להולדתו)

11.    Joods denken en danken (Dutch), Amsterdam: Amphora Books, 2008.230 pp.

12.   Identity Dialogically Constructed, Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz, 2011. 157 pp.